May, oh my! It's the last month of school and we are ready for summer fun! Get ready, we'll soon be wrapping up our 2022-23 Scout Year. Graduation here we come!!
Camp Cards and Money are Due Back
ALL Checked Out Camp Cards and/or Money Earned from them are Due Back NOW! Please return all items as soon as possible.
Last Den Meetings of the Year
Date: May 15th
Last Pack Meeting and All Den Graduation
It's time to close out the 2022-23 scout year and for all our scouts to move up to their next Scout rank!! How exciting!
Date: May 22nd
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Grace First Presbyterian Church
Take me out to the ball game!! Cub Scouts get free tickets and additional tickets for family
and friends are just $12.50 each!! Arrive an hour early to participate in the scout parade!
Get your tickets HERE
Cub Scout Day Camp is loads of fun for everyone!! Cub scouts will have a blast doing Archery, BBs, Crafts, Science, Snakes and Lizards, Waterslides, and so much more!! Adults and older youth will have a great time volunteering and playing along with the Cubs. There's something for everyone to do and they NEED volunteers! So register your Cub today and please volunteer if you can! Don't miss out on this amazing week of scouting fun!
(register BEFORE 5/15 to get the early bird discount)
Submit receipts to for reimbursement from scout accounts
Could YOUR child be our next Scout of the Month?
Submit their scout profile today! Click Here